Monday, November 17, 2008

The first Sencond Opinion

Hello All,
Well, Louise got a "second" opinion from Cedar-Sani hospital in cali.
They are recommending the same treatment as University of Colorado.
Louise will be leaving for MD Anderson on Nov 25. They want to look
at the pathology slides from UC and also take their own cat-scan along
with a few other test. We are hoping MD Anderson will give us a little
different treatment plan then the one they’ve been telling us since before
the operation.

1 comment:

Brielle Stockton said...

Hi Louise:

I've heard wonderful things about MD Anderson so it's great that you are heading down there to get more perspective and info. I'll be anxious to hear what they come up with for you. My pathology is almost all in so I can begin the same process. I'm thinking about you often. Hang in there and let's talk soon.
