Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Hospital where the Surgery (debulking) was preformed.


Louise's Journey said...

Here is some info I received from John P. on a Very good hospital. Sounds like a contender for a Second opinion.

Mama Sal said...

What a wonderful gift to those of us who love you and want to support you all in every way possible.
(without bombarding you with redundant questions).
Much love........ Mom

Sandy said...

This is a great idea so we don't tie up your telephone. All the best to Louise and we're pulling for all of you guys.
All our love,
Sandy and Mike

Sandy said...

Hi, Just thought I'd offer a site that has lots of good information. Food and exercise on the side panel is interesting.

Amy said...

HI! First blog site I have joined- and a good one!
Love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Louise,

What a kick in the pants, girl! You're going to beat the odds sending this cancer right back out of your life. I'm sending you a revolutionary medical text book, along with a couple other monthly journels that you'll recieve in the mail. It even covers the vaccine for cancer. You've got a strong will, Louise and you're going to rid yourself of that dog-gone cancer. You've done it before and you'll do it again, I know it! Love ya much! Heidi

Lynnette said...

Our thoughts are with you and your family. The Miscio's

GavinB said...

So sorry to hear the devastating news, we are hoping for the best possable outcome.
Love the blog, keep the news comming. Thinking of you all.


George said...


What bad luck, but if anyone is going to beat the big C it will be you, you're a strong one and you've done it before. All our thoughts and love are with you.


B. Rubin said...

Siena and I are rooting for you from NY. Hopefully you won't need to come this way for any additional advice, check-ups, or doctor visits. But if you do, we'll welcome you with open arms and a familiar face.

Our hearts are with you!
